Sunday, August 1, 2010

Some Tips on Choosing LCD Monitor

Having a LCD monitor at you home can be a great LCD monitor deal. It offers great experience to view multimedia content through its bright display and crisp color. But the main thing is buying the LCD monitor and choosing the best one, as there are many companies which manufactures this LCD monitors. The choice is very tough as there are many things that are too be considered such as: size, price and many other things.

The first thing that should be kept in mind while having LCD monitor deal is monitors look. Obviously, you might go for a LCD monitor which is has an attractive look. So while choosing LCD monitor you will have a choice of many color.

The second thing is how you will be using it. Whether, you are buying LCD monitor to just have internet surf or for small stuff at home, then you must not go for expensive one. A lower cost LCD monitor can suffice your need. You must also look into in that the monitor should not be crisp and affect your eyes. It should provide bright and sharp image.

Most of the photographers and artist do go for LCD monitor. And if you come in this category, then you must go for higher end LCD monitor which offers high resolution of 1280x1084 and must be bit larger in size that can offer more clear picture.

Apart from the above reason, if you’re using LCD monitor for any entertainment use, then you can consider of purchasing a widescreen LCD monitor. You can view movie in a same way, as you view it in big screen. So by buying this monitor you can have a great time watching movie or any other stuff.  There are companies that manufacture such LCD which are specifically designed to view movies with great accommodation, such as Samsung LCD, which has good reputation of offering good LCD monitors to enjoy movie. A high definition LCD monitor will also provide you the same viewing which you can get form high definition television.

If you’re searching for a LCD monitor that you will be using it for business purpose, then it also depends what kind of business you handle. For example:  if you are a executive then you can go for a basic LCD monitor and if you are in a advertising company then you can go for LCD monitor which is more suitable for artist.

The most important thing which you should consider before having final selection is you should have wide range of search of LCD monitors.  The main reason behind this is to get good idea about LCD monitor. If you are buying these monitors through online then it is necessary to check it by visiting to any electronic shop where LCD monitor is being sold.

So by going with the above points you can get an idea what should be done before buying any LCD monitor. It is important to have good research because you’re investing on something valuable which can help n future.

Some Tips for selecting TFT LCD Monitor for Gaming

You might read many articles on how to select LCD monitor, you might have gone through many magazine or internet search to look for LCD monitors or even got various shops to get a better ideas about it. But more interestingly, while dealing with LCD monitor, you might have got an idea that there is one such technology in LCD monitors called as TFT which provide clear picture. But if you need a TFT LCD monitor for gaming there are some points that a while buying this product:

1)    Pixel Size/ Dot Pitch
Dot pitch is one which is the distance between phosphor dots or between TFT LCD cells that is of the same color on a display screen. If the display has smaller dot pitch is better, but it is not always true because of the method used to measure it. Many a time, the dot pitch is measured through the diagonal, which helps to give most accurate representation of dot pitch. So it is better take the measurement of the dot pitch in TFT LCD monitor while buying it.

2)    Contrast and brightness:
Contrast plays an important role in TFT LCD monitor, especially while gaming. They are expressed in the terms of ratio, higher the ratio better will be the quality of the image. The display brightness is largely expressed in candela and is defined by the name Phew; it means that greater the number of this dot, greater will be the brightness. However, it is important to know how much does it consumes power, as greater the brightness greater will be the power consumption.

3)    Viewing Angle:
TFT LCD monitors for games can be viewed from any angle. These kinds of LCDs come in narrow focus and so it can be viewed from inside certain angle. There are certain kinds of games which can be viewed through narrow focus. But if you are a person who would like to have bystander watching, then you can achieve an ultimate score on puzzle bobble.

4)    What is important while buying TFT LCD monitor?
The main concern is of any TFT LCD monitor is the response time. Samsung monitors that are made from TFT LCD have good response which is fast enough to present realistic, 3-D gaming experience. The size of the TFT LCD monitor from Samsung is 172X which provides quicker response.

When you select TFT LCD monitor make it sure that the screen has native resolution that can meet your needs while enjoying the game. It means if your system can play at the size of 800 X600, then you must buy 2048 X 1536 which can help you to enjoy the game. Also check for high resolution but with proper god contrast and brightness which can use less power.
Search for a good dealer of TFT LCD monitor who can provide you with best quality of monitor and branded one. It is important to buy good product as you’re investing for the future benefit.

Samsung LCD: The Unmatched Quality

If you are looking for a companion who can give a relief from the tension and help you to provide peace of mind by its sound then you can go for Samsung LCD which can provide you all the relaxation with its picture quality and great sound.

Buying an LCD TV can be very beneficial in the prospect of space, as it takes less space to locate. They also come with the feature of dynamic contrast, high resolution, viewing angle and image resolution and many other features that makes it customer friendly.

There are many players in the market who produce LCD TV and monitors and are becoming consumer favorite. Some of the leading companies in the world that produce the LCD TV and monitor are Sony and Samsung. But Samsung LCDs are the best one which is widely selected by the consumers. They have wide range of LCD series which have some of the great features that makes it consumers favorite. These modern technology are received great appreciation around the world and so to remain in market, manufacturers are bringing their LCD price down.

Samsung LCD does have some of the best features and is pioneer in the providing modern technology. Samsung has started with redefining home viewing. Currently, in the market there are some Samsung LCD TV’ that are ruling, they are Samsung LA19R71 and LA26R71. This Samsung models have got some great feature which includes high resolution, outstanding color enhancer and crystal clear image. Apart from this, Samsung has added some user friendly futures such as infrared remote, television text and digital tuner.

The price of the Samsung LCD’s is relatively cheaper according to the feature and demand. As people are opting for LCD TV and monitor so the prices of this LCD are getting more and cheaper. So if you’re thinking of the buying an LCD and having a tight budget then you can go for Samsung LCD with cheaper price or even you can have LCD monitor deal.

The Samsung LA40M8 is the best television set in the present market. It has got some of the best features such as wide color enhancer, super clear panel, and amazing picture and SRS TruSurrund XT technology. It has got dynamic contrast ratio with 178 degree wide angle viewing and with outstanding picture quality with a resolution of 1920 x 1080 pixel.

Samsung also has launched their new Touch of Color design in its series 6 LCD TVs. These range of LCD TV’s support a media 2.0 which allows you to access the content of Yahoo and other websites. It also gives auto motion plus 120Hz technology that gives good picture quality along with DLNA technology to allows connecting with your home network.

Most of the Samsung LCDs is equipped with internet connection and are also environmental friendly and is equipped with Energy Star.

To get the discounted LCD monitors you can go for the best dealer who can offer you the best deal in LCD TV and monitor.

Refurbished LCD Monitors

Having a computer in a house has now become a common thing whether it’s 1st hand or a 2nd hand. The reason is, it has now become an important tool for all thing, whether you want book any tickets, want to have online shop etc having a computer is now an important gadget at home. But it is necessary to have good quality of computer monitor, so to view quality images clearly. But due to the financial reason, it has now become difficult to buy computer, as people are not able to afford to pay for its further maintenance. So the idea of cheap Refurbished LCD Monitors is the best as it has now become a common purchase.

One may face a problem while buying this kind of LCD monitor is whether they are really advantageous or not. The reason is many a times it is believed that this kind of refurbished LCD monitors does come in cheap rate, so it creates a doubt that are they really good enough to invest on it. There are people who buy this kind LCD monitors and are very pleased by its way of functioning but some are not.

You might know that there are two kinds of monitors which can be bought, LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) and other is CRT (Cathode Ray Tube). CRT is the old fashioned monitors which are currently turned off by many and switching off to LCD. But many are still using CRT type of monitor and consider it as the best one.

On the other hand, there are LCD monitors which are stylish and have appealing look. When a buyer goes to buy a computer, there first choice goes for LCD monitors. But the problem with LCD monitor is that, they are highly priced compare to CRT type. So many people are going for refurbished LCD monitors, as they think that they can’t afford to buy LCD monitors.

Refurbished LCD monitors have other uses too like for TV printers for display panels and most of the people also enjoy watching DVDs through this Monitors.

The main advantage of any LCD type of monitor is that, it is light in weight and is also portable by using it in small or bigger size. The added advantage is that, they help in low consumption of power which can help in getting lower electricity bills.

The main factors while buying refurbished LCD monitor is that there are some brands which manufactures discounted LCD monitors which can be purchased by any person. However, they are sold by branded company but can be purchased in lower price comparing to the price of retailer. Many a times these company also join hands with well known companies to have good sale in the market.

It is important for every buyer to have a proper go through while buying this kind of LCD monitors and also with proper research about the retailer and company. It is also important to look on the guarantee certificate because after it gets expired we might end up paying more for its repairing and other functions.

Buying a Samsung Monitor

Samsung is one of the leading electronic company which is known for its best electronic products, whether it is LCD TV, mobile, refrigerator or computer monitor. It is getting better and better by its product innovation. Their monitor whether it is computer or the TV monitor, they both offers best picture quality and clear image. Samsung monitor are too the best one that provides best quality images to have an enjoyable view.

Samsung have various models in its monitor category where you can have choice of various sizes. As people is keeping their choice wide open, so if you are going for Samsung monitor then you can go for  17 inch monitor which can be good choice. It has got an excellent display unit which has got 1440 x 900 resolution. If you are going for a smart monitor then this can really suffice you need.   It is among the best Samsung LCD categories with offers better quality of image.

Samsung monitor offer perfect high speed performance and comfort. Samsung 733NW monitor offers quite and trendy fashionable look and is different from conventional design of monitor. The total measure of this 410.9 x 351.2 x 187.0mm and has the total weight of 2.8 kg. This monitor is really a user friendly and has a sensational style of technology. Its 17inch wide screen can really offer you the multimedia experience and offer class picture quality.

Its other monitor category is the LED backlit EX2220X monitor. It comes with 16.9 wide screen along with 5ms response time that keeps the motion graphic quality clear. The best advantage of this LED monitor is, it helps to reduce power consumption for 40%. It ensures the contrast ratio of 5,000,000:1 and also helps in getting the dark and light color. It also has the MagicAngle technology, which uses 5 angle technology to deliver the crisp images from every direction.

Samsung also has some premium monitors and one such model is the XL 2270 with 21.5 widescreen ad contains no halogen or lead.  It has the color touch of liquid black and ambient light and reveals rich gray gradation. It has got ultra slim look which measure only half as the top. It is an eco-friendly monitor which has got the touch of color process that eliminated the use of spray.

Apart from the above category, Samsung monitors also have some business category of monitors which are especially used for business purpose. The B1940ER is a specially made monitor for business use which has an ultra narrow bezels and has adjustable height which can be help you to work comfortably at work place. It has a MagicReturn feature and it comes into use when you turn off one monitor to save energy then all your datas may miss out. Then this MagicReturn makes it sure that all your datas remains safe even if you off your monitor.

There are many online website which provides whole information on Samsung LCD, so that you can have better LCD monitor deal and you can get the best product as you are investing for your future benefit.

Things to be kept in mind while dealing for LCD Monitor

If you’re looking to replace your CRT monitor with new LCD monitor then it is very important to have proper research before buying it. However, you may know that how LCD monitors can be beneficial, as they take very les space, create very less heat are lighter in weight. However, it can be a hectic procedure, especially for those who are not familiar to LCD monitors.

There are some points that are to be considered while having an LCD monitor deal:

Screen size:  The screen size of the LCD monitor is all depends on your usage of it. If you’re a kind of person who has a small business or a web surfer then you can go for 15” to 17” inch screen size. These screen sized monitor can be easier to use and takes very less space. And if you’re a student or in graphic designing profession then screen size of 19” can be better.

Monitor Resolution:  The important factor while taking LCD monitor is the number of pixels which makes the actual screen. Most of the LCD screen comes with the resolution of 1280 X 1024 which is an adequate pixel for any user. There are company’s offers good resolutions like Samsung LCD which is known for its good monitor resolution. But if you like to play games in it then you can go for 1680 X 1050 pixel of monitor.

Contrast Ratio: Many LCD monitor have good contrast color balance which makes to view perfect and clear without any effect on eyes. So while having LCD monitor deal then has a look into the contrast, higher the contrast ratio better will be the color representation. Most of the LCD monitors come in the ratio of 16:9 or 15:9.

Viewing Angles:  LCD monitors also known for their better viewing angles whether it horizontal or vertical. If the LCD monitor has default moving angle, then it can be adequate for many user or else you can go for viewing angle which is close to 90 degrees.

Luminance by Monitor:  The other important feature is the luminance or you can say the measure of the light which it produces. For a person who has a small business or is a web surfer than the output of 200 to 250 of luminance is enough to work with.

The Response Time:  While dealing with LCD monitor have a brief look into its response time, whether it takes time or gives quick response to the crystal. If it gives slow response, then there will be less blurring effects.

There are many such online websites that offers cheap LCD monitors and that too branded LCD monitors. If you compare that price with retailer’s price then you will find a huge difference.

It is important to have good research while dealing with LCD monitors, as you can see that every LCD monitors have their unique feature. The main factor is that, you are investing on the product which you will be beneficial for future too.