Sunday, August 1, 2010

Things to be kept in mind while dealing for LCD Monitor

If you’re looking to replace your CRT monitor with new LCD monitor then it is very important to have proper research before buying it. However, you may know that how LCD monitors can be beneficial, as they take very les space, create very less heat are lighter in weight. However, it can be a hectic procedure, especially for those who are not familiar to LCD monitors.

There are some points that are to be considered while having an LCD monitor deal:

Screen size:  The screen size of the LCD monitor is all depends on your usage of it. If you’re a kind of person who has a small business or a web surfer then you can go for 15” to 17” inch screen size. These screen sized monitor can be easier to use and takes very less space. And if you’re a student or in graphic designing profession then screen size of 19” can be better.

Monitor Resolution:  The important factor while taking LCD monitor is the number of pixels which makes the actual screen. Most of the LCD screen comes with the resolution of 1280 X 1024 which is an adequate pixel for any user. There are company’s offers good resolutions like Samsung LCD which is known for its good monitor resolution. But if you like to play games in it then you can go for 1680 X 1050 pixel of monitor.

Contrast Ratio: Many LCD monitor have good contrast color balance which makes to view perfect and clear without any effect on eyes. So while having LCD monitor deal then has a look into the contrast, higher the contrast ratio better will be the color representation. Most of the LCD monitors come in the ratio of 16:9 or 15:9.

Viewing Angles:  LCD monitors also known for their better viewing angles whether it horizontal or vertical. If the LCD monitor has default moving angle, then it can be adequate for many user or else you can go for viewing angle which is close to 90 degrees.

Luminance by Monitor:  The other important feature is the luminance or you can say the measure of the light which it produces. For a person who has a small business or is a web surfer than the output of 200 to 250 of luminance is enough to work with.

The Response Time:  While dealing with LCD monitor have a brief look into its response time, whether it takes time or gives quick response to the crystal. If it gives slow response, then there will be less blurring effects.

There are many such online websites that offers cheap LCD monitors and that too branded LCD monitors. If you compare that price with retailer’s price then you will find a huge difference.

It is important to have good research while dealing with LCD monitors, as you can see that every LCD monitors have their unique feature. The main factor is that, you are investing on the product which you will be beneficial for future too.

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